Video Gallery 2020-21

Year Name of theSeminar Number of Participants Department Date Link
2020 Yoga as the way of Life amidst Covid-19 Pandemic 200 Physical Education 18 to 20 July 2020
2020 International Webinar “Shastriya Sangeet Ki Vibhinn Bandishon Ki Tatvik Vivechna” 200 Music 25 to 26 July 2020
2020 संस्कृतसप्ताहावसरे संस्कृतविभागेन समायोज्यते अन्तर्जालीया 180 Sanskrit 6/8/2020
2020 Nuturing Mental Health and Well being in the Present Scenerio 220 Physical Education 13 to 14-08-2020
2020 Relevente of Munshi PremChand in the Present Scenero 160 Urdu 22-08-2020
2020 National Education Policy 2020 T.E. 220 27-08-2020
2020 Human Rights Issues: A critical study in Indian perspective Political Science 100 8/9/2020
2020 New Education Policy 2020 : Global perspective Education 225 10/9/2020
2020 Research Methodolosy T.Education Dept. 180 14-09-2020
2020 बैकुंठी देवी कन्या महाविद्यालय, आगरा हिन्दी साहित्य व्याख्यान माला Hindi Dept. 95 27-06-2020
2020 बैकुंठी देवी कन्या महाविद्यालय, आगरा हिन्दी साहित्य व्याख्यान माला Hindi Dept. 95 28-06-2020
2020 बैकुंठी देवी कन्या महाविद्यालय, आगरा हिन्दी साहित्य व्याख्यान माला Hindi Dept. 85 29-06-2020